Over 40 Appointments
were lost last month. Remember to cancel yours.
Out of Hours Service
Call free on 111

Welcome to Calton Medical Practice.

Our aim is to improve the health and wellbeing of the local community through the delivery of safe, effective and compassionate primary care services.

Our website contains a range of health information and resources, along with practical information on visiting the surgery.

We hope you find the website useful and informative, and welcome your feedback and suggestions.

Do you have a Video Consultation?

Join the Virtual Waiting Room Here

With patients' needs at the heart of everything we do, our website has been designed to make it easy for you to gain instant access to the information you need. As well as specific practice details such as How To Find Us, Opening Hours and Registration and Changing Your Details, you’ll find a wealth of useful pages covering a wide range of health issues along with links to other relevant medical organisations.

Get Well, Keep Well

Of course we’re not just here for when you are unwell. Our Practice Team consisting of healthcare professionals and back-up staff offer a number of Clinics and Services to promote good health and well being whatever your medical condition.

Our practice is a teaching and training practice. Students attend our surgery from time to time. They have supervise encounter with patients. We appreciate your help in teaching and training of new generation of doctor. If at anytime you are not comfortable with students in room kindly let supervising GP know. We also value your input to improve students experience in surgery. 

Join In

We hope you enjoy having a look around the site and familiarising yourself with some of the online features such as ordering Repeat Prescriptions.
Comments and suggestions are always a great way of helping us continue to enhance the way we look after you.


The Practice is located on the ground floor of Bridgeton Health Centre.

Our Health Centre is fully accessible for wheelchair access.


43 appointments did not attend in the month of December
If you no longer require your appointment please call the surgery in advance so your appointment can be used for someone who requires it.
Thank you


This section contains various information which you may find helpful about the practice and local health information.
Please select a topic from below to read more.

If you were ill, would you know who to turn to? Choose the right option for your condition. 

'When you're ill, know who to turn to' outlines the eight options available when you need medical assistance, alongside a list of symptoms that could be appropriately dealt with by each option. These include:

  • Self care:
    for minor illness or injury you can deal with yourself, such as hangover, grazed knee, sore throat, coughs and colds
  • Pharmacist:
    for expert advice or information on medicines and healthcare, including the Minor Ailment Service.  Examples of minor ailments include coughs and colds, indigestion, constipation, aches and pains
  • Dentist:
    for regular check-ups, routine treatment and emergency care
  • Optometrist (optician):
    for any eye problems including blurred vision, difficulty seeing well or discomfort - red eyes, irritated eyes
  • Family doctor:
    when your illness or injury just won't go away make an appointment to see your GP who can provide  advice and information about conditions such as vomiting, ear pain, sore belly, backache
  • NHS out-of-hours service:
    Turn to your NHS out of hours service when you are too ill to wait until your GP or dental surgery is open. Call NHS 24 on 111, the new number for NHS 24
  • Minor injuries service:
    if you require urgent care for a minor injury such as cuts, minor burns, sprains
  • Accident and emergency:
    Turn to 999 or your hospital's A&E department only for serious illness or accidents such as suspected stroke, heart attack, head injuries, fracture or wounds requiring stitches




visit NHS 24 For information on symptoms and minor illnesses please visit the NHS24 Self Help guide.



This Practice endeavours to provide the highest standard of patient care, respecting patients’ rights to privacy, confidentiality and to be kept fully informed at all times during consultation and treatment and to involve patients in decisions about their care.

This will be achieved by working together. Help us to help you.

We expect patients to be polite to Practice staff, to request home visits only when necessary and to inform the Practice if an appointment cannot be kept so that it may be offered to someone else.

As a patient it is your responsibility to:

  • Ensure you attend any appointment at the surgery and arrive on time.
  • Cancel an appointment at least 24 hours in advance if you can.
  • Ask any questions if you are unsure about anything.
  • To follow the advice given to you by your Doctor or Nurse.
  • Ensure all children are accompanied by an adult.
  • Look after your health.
  • Treat staff with dignity and respect.
  • Follow practice rules for example, switch mobile phones off whilst in the surgery building.
  • Immediately advise the practice of any change of address and telephone number (including mobile phone number) to allow the practice to contact you if needed.
  • Advise the practice of any special needs that you may have including the need for an interpreter if you have communication problems

Violence and Aggresive Behaviour

The Practice considers aggressive behaviour to be any personal, abusive and/or aggressive comments, cursing/swearing, physical contact and/or aggressive gestures.
The Practice will immediately remove from the Practice list any patient who is aggressive towards any member of the Practice team or other person on our Premises or who damages our property.

We will always involve the Police.

As a patient you have the right to:

  • Join the practice of your choice in the area where you live following acceptance by the practice.
  • Access the practice information booklet which provides information on the practice including times of consultations.
  • Access an urgent appointment as quickly as is required to deal with your symptoms.
  • Receive clear information about your treatment.
  • Participate in discussions about your treatment during your visit.
  • Privacy.
  • Be treated with dignity and respect.
  • Make a comment or complaint if you are not happy.
  • See your GP medical records following a request to the practice.

Suggestions and Complaints

The Practice has developed a policy for complaints and welcomes suggestions.

To provide you with the care you need, we hold the details of your consultations, illnesses, tests, prescriptions and other treatments that have been recorded by everyone involved in your care and treatment e.g. GP, Health Visitor, Practice Nurse. This information may be stored on paper or electronically on computer files by Practice staff.

We sometimes disclose some of your personal health information with other organisations involved in your care. For example, when your GP refers you to a specialist at a Hospital we will send relevant details about you in the referral letter and receive information about you from them. Our Practice also participates in regional and national programmes such as the cervical cytology screening service and your name and address, date of birth and health number will be given to them in order to send an invitation to you.

We need to use some of your personal health information for administrative purposes. In order to receive payment for services provided to you, we have to disclose basic details about you to the NHS Board responsible for this area and to the Common Services Agency for the Scottish Health Service.

These organisations have a role in protecting public funds, and are authorised to check that payments are being properly made. We are required to co-operate with these checks and the disclosure of your data is a necessary part of our provision of healthcare services.

Sometimes, we may participate in studies that are designed to improve the way services are provided to you or to check that our performance meets required standards and benchmarks. Whenever we take part in activities such as these we will ensure that as far as possible any details that may identify you are not disclosed.

We are sometimes involved in health research and the teaching of student nurses, doctors and other health professionals. We will not use or disclose your personal health information for these purposes unless you have been informed beforehand and given your consent for us to do so.

Where you need a service jointly provided with a local authority we will seek your permission before giving them your details.

Sometimes we are required by law to pass on information e.g. the notification of births and deaths and certain diseases or crimes to the government is a legal requirement.

Our use of your personal health information is covered by a duty of confidentiality, and is regulated by the Data Protection Act. The Data Protection Act gives you a number of rights in relation to how your personal information is used, including a right to access the information we hold about you.

Everyone working for the NHS has a legal duty to keep information about you confidential and adheres to a Code of Practice on Protecting Patient Confidentiality. Further information on this can be found at www.nhsis.co.uk/confidentiality. Anyone who receives information from us is also under a legal duty to keep it confidential.

If you have any queries or concerns on how we use your personal health information, or would like to access your information, please contact our Practice Manager.

Choosing your GP
You can usually register with any practice close to where you live.

Before your Appointment
Information on the practice and how to arrange an appointment is in the Practice Booklet which is available to all patients.

Your visits
You are treated with dignity and respect by the Practice team throughout your visits.

Assessing your needs
All decisions on your care will be based on a full assessment of your needs and will be taken following a discussion with you.

Receiving your care and treatment
You will receive safe and competent care and treatment in a manner designed to put you at ease.

The quality of your care and treatment
Your care and treatment will be provided according to recognised current best practice guidelines.

Confidentiality and information held about you
Your GP keeps an accurate, full and up-to-date record of all aspects of your care. All information is stored in a manner that ensures your confidentiality, and is in line with current legislation.

Information may be shared with other healthcare staff working within the Health Service when they are involved in your care but will not be shared with any outside party without your consent.

Practices may share non identifiable information with other parts of the Health Service but will not share your personal details. This is to help with audit and service provision.

Expressing your views
Your surgery welcomes and actively seeks your views to help it continuously improve the quality of care it provides.

Accessing NHS services via your GP Surgery is free of charge however, some activities such as private medical certificates and travel vaccinations will incur a charge. These are normally set out on a notice in the surgery but may also be obtained from the practice manager.

Change of Details

If you move house or change your home or mobile telephone number please inform the Practice as soon as possible.
This is extremely important as there have been times when the Practice has been unable to contact a patient in an emergency situation due to out of date contact details.

Registering with the Practice

New patients are welcomed by the Practice. When registering you will be asked to complete a registration form, health questionnaire and provide a form of ID (Birth certificate/Passport/Driving licence etc).  The Doctors will review the health questionnaire.  At this point you might be contacted to make an appointment before you are fully registered with the practice.  Please provide information of any repeat medication you are currently receiving, and ensure you have at least 1 months supply of medication before changing surgery.

If you wish to register with us you can download and fill out the following forms and bring them into the surgery.  Please remember to bring in a form of ID (preferably photographic) for every member of the household registering with us.


Temporary Registration

If you are ill while away from home or if you are not registered with a doctor but need to see one you can receive emergency treatment from the local GP practice for 14 days. After 14 days you will need to register as a temporary or permanent patient.

You can be registered as a temporary patient for up to three months. This will allow you to be on the local practice list and still remain a patient of your permanent GP. After three months you will have to re-register as a temporary patient or permanently register with that practice.

To register as a temporary patient simply contact the local practice you wish to use. Practices do not have to accept you as a temporary patient although they do have an obligation to offer emergency treatment. You cannot register as a temporary patient at a practice in the town or area where you are already registered.