Welcome to Calton Medical Practice.
Our aim is to improve the health and wellbeing of the local community through the delivery of safe, effective and compassionate primary care services.
Our website contains a range of health information and resources, along with practical information on visiting the surgery.
We hope you find the website useful and informative, and welcome your feedback and suggestions.
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With patients' needs at the heart of everything we do, our website has been designed to make it easy for you to gain instant access to the information you need. As well as specific practice details such as How To Find Us, Opening Hours and Registration and Changing Your Details, you’ll find a wealth of useful pages covering a wide range of health issues along with links to other relevant medical organisations.
Get Well, Keep Well
Of course we’re not just here for when you are unwell. Our Practice Team consisting of healthcare professionals and back-up staff offer a number of Clinics and Services to promote good health and well being whatever your medical condition.
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We hope you enjoy having a look around the site and familiarising yourself with some of the online features such as ordering Repeat Prescriptions.
Comments and suggestions are always a great way of helping us continue to enhance the way we look after you.
The Practice is located on the ground floor of Bridgeton Health Centre.
Our Health Centre is fully accessible for wheelchair access.
If you no longer require your appointment please call the surgery in advance so your appointment can be used for someone who requires it.
Thank you
You can leave your prescription message on our 24-hour answering machine, 0141 232 1680, clearly stating your name, address, date of birth and give the name of the drugs you require.
Repeat prescription requests can also be made by phoning the main reception number or handing your repeat prescription re-order form at the reception desk, or by sending in your repeat prescription re-order form in a S.A.E. which will be returned to you as soon as possible.
The prescription takes two working days to process so please do not allow your medicines to run out.
If you enclose a stamped, addressed envelope your prescription will be posted to you.
Medication Reviews
Patients on repeat medication will be asked to see a doctor, nurse practitioner or practice nurse at least once a year to review these regular medications and notification should appear on your repeat slip.
Please ensure that you book an appropriate appointment to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions.
Online Repeat Prescription Service
We currently have an online repeat prescription ordering service.
If you wish access to this, and do not already please speak to Reception who will gladly help you.
Click here to go to our Online Repeat Prescription Service
- Details
The Practice is open from 08:30 to 18:00 Monday to Friday. Evening surgeries are available from 18:00 to 18:45 on a Wednesday. In total the Practice runs five morning surgeries and five afternoon surgeries.All surgeries are organised on an appointment system with emergency appointments each day.
Each appointment is allocated a 10 minute slot, however, if you feel you require more time at your appointment, please advise the receptionist when you call to make the appointment.
We offer appointments with a doctor or nurse at your request. We also offer appointments pre-bookable up to one month in advance. Routine appointments are available every morning and afternoon.
Medical emergency appointments are available every day. If you need an urgent appointment call reception at 8:30am for an appointment and you will be seen as soon as possible on that day. Please help the receptionists by telling them whether or not your problem is urgent. Nurse pillar can also give advise and speak or see patients if their are no emergency appointments.
Please remember:
Cancel any appointment you cannot keep. Failure to do so may result in your removal from the practice.
One appointment is for one patient only.
If you have a number of problems a double appointment may be a good idea.
Nurse Triage
On a Monday and Friday morning we have a new triage system, when you call for an emergency appointment you will be added to a triage list, the nurse will call you back asap and will confirm wither you will see a doctor that day or can be seen with Eileen herself.Panel Line Appointments/Sickline
Panel line/sick line appointments are seen after the morning surgery. Please telephone 24-hours in advance to arrange an appointment on 0141 531 6650. Please provide information of what the reason for your sickline is and how long for.Telephone Advice
You will be asked to leave a message and the doctor/practice nurse will try to return your call as soon as possible.
We can arrange interpreter services for patients who do not speak English. Please let us know if you need this service when booking your appointment.. The practice cannot guarantee an interpreter at short notice so please ensure adequate time between booking the appointment and letting us know if you need one. If you cancel your appointment REMEMBER to cancel the interpreter with the receptionist also.
Emergency – Out of Hours
In case of genuine emergency which cannot wait until the next working day please telephone NHS 24 in the first instance on 111 and your call will be passed to NHS ADOC if appropriate.
Home Visits
If you are too ill or frail to attend the Surgery and require a home visit, please telephone the main Surgery number before 10am.
Please click here for our leaflet about Home Visits.
The Receptionist will require some details to allow the doctor to assess the urgency of the visit. Please help the Receptionist to help you.
Whenever possible, we would ask you to make every effort to make it to the surgery to be seen, rather than request a home visit. This will allow the doctor to spend more time with you, and he would have easier access to medical facilities to help deal with your problems.
Home visits will be dealt with as quickly as possible. If you feel your call needs immediate attention, the receptionist will ask you to discuss this with the doctor.
Text Messages
The Practice is using a text messaging service to remind patients to attend for appointments, as evidence suggests that this is an effective way to reduce missed appointments. You will be asked for your consent before you are included.
You may also cancel your appointment by replying ‘CANCEL’ to the reminder which you will receive up to 2 days before your appointment.
Facilities for the Disabled
Practice premises have been designed with the disabled in mind. The Surgery entrance, consulting rooms and toilets have suitable wheelchair access.
Dental Treatment/Emergencies
The Medical Practice does not deal with dental issues. For Dental Emergencies contact your own dentist Monday to Friday during business hours. For out of hours emergencies phone your own dentist and you will hear a recorded message giving you the phone number of the dentist on call.
- Details
The health visitor, Katrina runs immunisation clinics and child surveillance clinics on alternate Thursday mornings and a weigh in clinic on a Friday morning. She also offers health advice and support to families with young children which include parenting and behaviour management. She also supports women with post-natal depression.
The health visitor can be contacted between 09:00 – 16:00 on 0141 232 1674.
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The District Nursing Team (RGN Sister Pickering and RGN Staff Nurse Henry and Staff nurse Campbell) carry out domiciliary nursing care for housebound patients and patients who require treatment at home. This includes palliative and terminal care.
The nurses can be contacted on 0141 232 1675.
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We have a varied and skillful team at our Practice who work together to fulfil the needs of a growing community.
At present we have 2 GP Partners, 2 Locum GP's and a Practice Nurse.
As we are a training practice, we may also from time to time have several GP Registrars who are working hard to learn the skills, and what it takes to be a Doctor within General Practice.
The Practice is supported by Administrative staff who also undertake receptionist, secretarial, record managment, dispensing and various other tasks.
In addition the Practice has a full time attached nursing service comprising of District Nursing staff and Health Visiting staff.
Community Midwives, Podiatrists, Dieticians and CPNs also hold regular clinics within the Practice.
We are also supported by Healthcare Assistants
Tuesday & Thursday 09:30 – 11:30
Blood Pressure Clinic Wednesday 14:00 – 16:00
- Details
201 Abercromby Street
G40 2DA
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